5 Pre-Holiday Tasks to Consider

The holiday season is nigh, and with it comes the rush of parties, presents, friends, and family. There’s so much to do and so little time, for sure, but there are still some pre-holiday tasks you need to consider! We know you’re busy, so that’s why we came up with a few things to remember during the annual hustle and bustle of the holiday rush!

Holiday Color Installation


For a dash of extra holiday cheer, try adding some perennials into your garden. The deep red of the Cyclamen pictured above will add a pop of color in the mix, but any perennial will work just as well!


Of course, your yard wouldn’t be holiday complete without a poinsettia or two (or a dozen)! When it comes to these traditional holiday plants, there’s no such thing as “one too many”.

Maintaining Your Yard

In order for your yard to be in tip-top shape, there are several tasks you’ll need to consider for your landscape to truly be holiday-ready.


Firstly, you’ll want to replace old mulch and consider adding pine straw. Not only will it prevent weeds from growing between now and spring, but it’s also a great way to line areas that aren’t paved; creating a clean look throughout your yard.

Trimming and Pruning


Equally important is making sure your trees are trimmed and shrubbery is pruned to perfection. What would be the point of decorating your yard if it’s hiding behind bulky branches or dying leaves? You want your neighbors and holiday guests to bask in the beauty of your landscape and décor. Make sure this detail is one of the first you address when preparing your home for the holidays!

Christmas Lights


You don’t have to be Clark Griswold to create a stunning light show for the holidays! Bring your yard to life using the landscape as the foundation. String some lights around the already existing trees and shrubbery, for an elegant yet eye-grabbing display!

Party Set Up and Prep


When it comes to party prep, make sure you don’t forget the floral arrangements! Our Floral and Events team is standing at the ready to help you create the perfect holiday setup, just like the elegant photo above.

Lanson Jones